What are Hydroponics and Why are They Unique?

Which Hydroponic System is Right for You? : Vertical Roots

Hydroponics is a system of growing plants in mineral nutrient solutions in water instead of soil. Some terrestrial plants have been found to be able to grow with their roots exposed to nutrients in liquid or by being physically supported by something like gravel. The nutrients commonly used are manure, other animal excrement or even chemical fertilizers. Some plants commonly grown with hydroplaning techniques are tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuces, and some peppers.

The Unique Way that Hydroponics are Grown

There are many ways for growing hydroponics. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that it needs to be as free from light as possible to prevent fungal growth. Most are grown by sub-irrigation or top irrigation. Sub-irrigation, or subsurface irrigation works well in all surfaces, it has a baseline that provides an impermeable base, a drip line, a geo textile layer, and a top narrow impermeable layer.

Static Solution, the Simplest One

Static Solution is a technique of simply growing plants in jars that contain nutrient solutions. These containers can be plastic buckets, mason jars, or tanks. It is easier to aerate the solution. If the solution is not aerated, the solution level must be kept low so that the roots can get their oxygen. It is easier if the containers are fueled by pumps. Holes have been cut in the lids in order to allow for growth and oxygen input.

Aeroponics, the Drop Solution Drain

With aeroponics, the roots are kept in an environment with fine drops of a mist from a nutrient solution. It can be continuous or discontinuous depending in the amount of mist that they receive on a daily basis. The main advantage of aeroponics is that it makes for excellent aeration. Aeroponics have proved especially useful for seed germination, potato and tomato production, leaf and micro-green crops.

How do Vertical Hydroponics Differ?

Vertical hydroponics is a hydroponics system that uses the techniques in a gravitationally fed system. In other words, the solution water is given to the plants from the top down. It has some advantages over the traditional methods. These include that it’s good for smaller sunny areas, such as patios and balconies, that it offers a high density per plant, and that there’s no risk of soil borne diseases. These benefits are what make any Vertical Indoor Hydroponics Garden System possible.

Hydroponics May Be the System of the Future

With climate change leaving some places dry and others flooded, hydroponics may become a necessary adaptation. They thrive on waste and with just mineral water solution. A lot of the flood water could be put to good use for those solutions. So, could some of the rougher surfaces of the drier places. The only major issue will be how to keep the oxygen aerating to them. However, it has been found to not need much solution if its aeration is low. Hydroponic-friendly vegetation seems to thrive on very little and be very low maintenance, which will likely be needed for the future.